McDavid Neoprene Ankle Wrap

Best Buy "McDavid Neoprene Ankle Wrap" Free Shipping

Choose selection McDavid 438R online store. Best McDavid Neoprene Ankle Wrap top quality free shipping.

McDavid Neoprene Ankle Wrap
By Brand: McDavid
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"McDavid Neoprene Ankle Wrap Reviews"

"McDavid Neoprene Ankle Wrap" Detail

  • Neoprene ankle wrap
  • 1/8" 100% latex free neoprene provides compression and thermal therapy
  • Two sided nylon facing
  • Fully adjustable closure
  • Fits right or left ankle

"McDavid Neoprene Ankle Wrap" Overview

McDavid 438R Ankle Wrap with Strap The McDavid 438R Ankle Wrap with Strap features universal sizing and a fully adjustable hook-and-loop closure for an optimum fit. The 100% latex-free neoprene provides thermal therapy while providing compression and soft tissue support. Features: Contoured thermal neoprene wrap with nylon facing on both sides Retains warmth and promotes healing One size fits all Fits right or left ankle

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