McDavid Ankle (Large-X-Large)

Cheap "McDavid Ankle (Large-X-Large)" Deals

If you looking for McDavid Ankle (Large-X-Large) you come right. Best McDavid 189R-L/XL guarantee quality on sale. Choose product desirable for you.

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Asin Product: B000UVXUZG
By Brand: McDavid

"McDavid Ankle (Large-X-Large) Reviews"

"McDavid Ankle (Large-X-Large)" Description

  • Light weight, comfortable neoprene boot, can be worn for hours
  • Two sizes, Order s/m for womens shoe sizes 7-10, order l/xl for womens shoe size 10-15
  • Two sizes, Order s/m for mens shoe sizes 6-9, Order l/xl for mens shoe sizes 10-15

"McDavid Ankle (Large-X-Large)" Overview

Hinged ankle brace providing maximum protection (Level 3) for all ankle injuries including high ankle sprains, fits right or left ankle